Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day of Water Fasting and Juice Fasting

Today, I just drank water and some water melon juice. I was worried that may be, I would not be able to tolerate the stress but my body has done quite well so far. There was some problems and it made matters worse but I could handle it. I have understood one very important thing. When you are on a diet or trying water fasting or juice fasting then you should try to decrease your work load. Then it becomes esier for you to cope up with the hunger.
Yes, my belly is telling me all the time that I am hungry but except it, I feel very good in my health. I even feel some fresh. I don’t feel any of the negative feelings of obesity. Instead, I am just hungry and my belly is crying some. No problem. I will eat again tomorrow after waking up.
Tomorrow, I have planned to eat Roti and potato and egg fry. From tomorrow, my plan is to eat just one meal. If I eat a second meal then it will only consist of fruit and vegetable. I did not drink any tea today.  

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