Thursday, February 28, 2008

To All Football fans: An Appeal for helping Ray Kennedy

To this generation, the name of Ray Kennedy will not perhaps ring any bell as he retired in early 1980s from football. He was some kind of a legend in English football and he played for Arsenal and Liverpool from 1968 to 1982. He also played in English national team. In club level, he won almost every cup possible while he was in Arsenal and Liverpool. Now, this great player is suffering from a bad disease- Parkinson's. I do not need to explain anything about this disease as you already know that this is a bad disease and Ray Kennedy has become old and he is alone. He was a gentleman in his playing days. He is still a nice and honorable person with a lot of self respect.

If you are a football fan then I urge you to help Ray Kennedy in anyway you can. I live in a country from where I cannot send any money for him. However, I am writing about Ray Kennedy and informing my readers about helping Ray Kennedy. So, even if you cannot contribute any money then encourage others to do so. At least, write about him in your blog, website or even in a forum. Write a comment in any blog entry about Ray Kennedy. This will surely help to generate a lot of media attention.

Ray Kennedy needs our help not to become rich but just to pay for his medical expenses. Please read the following two stories and do whatever you can:

Liverpool will rally round at Arsenal to help Ray Kennedy


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