Sunday, May 16, 2010

Work and Rest, Rest and Work

This is a very simple rule but I often forget. I ignore the matter of rest and that is why, when I am supposed to work, I am tired and exhausted and cannot work with full focus. As a result, I do a lot of works but I am all the time tired and the works I do cannot bring the desired results. Well, I cannot blame anyone but myself because when I am not 100% fresh but in a tired mood then I use my full potential. This is a simple matter but I failed to realize until now.
Of course, my own life has been full of ups and downs and I have been very unlucky to suffer a series of misfortunes. However, now, things look much brighter and I should be able to rest as much as needed at last.
From today, I want to again leave coffee, coke and if possible tea. Tea is not bad like coffee and Coke but tea also disrupts my normal sleeping. The most important to follow is this matter: work and rest, rest and work. This is a very simple matter but for many years, I forgot it. Now, I have to again follow it. 

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