Maria Sharapova has already been an idol to the young tennis players who take inspiration from her struggle in earlier life and at the same time she has been a dream girl to many with her elegant appearance and stylish dress up. She could win 2 Grand Slam yet in her career and for a 19 year old teenager it is not an easy one.
In some cases, her successes in Modeling surpass her success in the court. Please do not blame me if you got angry with the previous line. Let me be first to quote some lines from a National Leader report for your convenience:
“The 19-year-old blonde-haired Russian is 63rd in the list of highest paid celebrities, and the richest female sportsperson in the world.
She has the looks and unlike Anna Kournikova but unlike Anna, she has the game.”
Now, is it possible to call Maria as Anna 2.0?
I do not know what are you thinking now but I am sure you could partially understand how Sharapova’s life is going on through getting success in both the medium.
good site